Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Look, I'm a blogger now.

For anyone that stumbles upon this site, please know this is a place of complete and utter random ramblings  If you read these ramblings and want to conversate about them, feel free.  This was and is created for my own personal use.  This is not to sound negative, however I am not here to inspire, nor is there any real "theme" to this.  I'm a thinker.  I reflect.  Constantly.  I am often socially awkward, though my close friends would find this hard to believe.  I believe that I could live as a hermit, only keeping in contact with a few close friends and close family.

I've chosen to start writing my thoughts down.  Incoherent as they may be, I consider them sane.  My weeks are encompassed in monotony.  I work, come home to make dinner, watch TV, and go to sleep.  I feel that it's important for me to exercise my mind a bit more, and to preserve those precious brain cells I've managed retain. 

I found out a couple months ago that I have an acoustic neuroma, which is a benign brain tumor.  I'm having it removed on July 21st.  Brain surgery...fun stuff.  I don't mean to sound dramatic, but I would like to see my written word before this surgery is done, in case my writing skills are diminished to an extent. 

Now I don't want to come off as a negative, misanthrope, if you will.  If you've come across this blog because you have an acoustic neuroma, then I hope you can find a bit of comfort in sharing in my experiences.  However, I'm not going to be 'sunshine and lollipops' all of the time.  Most days I feel very 'warrior-like' in my approach to getting over this tumor.  Other days, however, are shrouded in a bit of fear.  Though I am doing this blog for myself, there is a certain assumption that this will get read on this grand scale of internet dominance. 

Although I am going through the challenges of a tumor removal, this is not all this site will be dedicated to.  Philosophical thoughts, accomplishments, gripes, experiences...anything I feel like I want to write down.

Going back to my tumor (see I'm jumping all over the place), as of right now I consider my side-effects fairly minor.  It's all perspective.  If the things that I have experienced over the last year were sprung on me suddenly, I would probably consider them major.  My hearing in my right ear is almost gone, and I have pretty severe tinnitus in the same ear.  Every once in a while, my balance is a little challenged, but it doesn't happen too often.  I think the most annoying thing I've been experiencing lately is fatigue.  I do small exercises in the morning (crunches and a few pushups) just to get my blood flowing...but even those things are challenging to muster up the energy for sometimes.  I will probably blog a bit later.  This is all I have for now.

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