Friday, September 2, 2011

A Simple Nihilist

I think this is the best way to describe myself (this week, haha).

You see, Nietzsche came along and decided to put a whole philosophical structure surrounding Nihilsm.  He spoke about creating the "Overman", or "The Übermensch".  While I can appreciate his lofty goals and certainly find his writings to be a good read, I don't buy into it 100%.  So what do I believe, or not believe in this case?

Organized Religion - at its base, I truly believe that religion could be a good thing.  It seems that there is a proper moral code in most religious writings.  I was raised in a tight Christian family, and loved my upbringing.  I just could never buy into religion.  I'd have my moments, and then slowly slip back into my unbelief.  Where organized religion can get scary is when people start killing in the name of their God.  This brings me to my next point.

Atheism - I am fairly close to being an Atheist.  However, I just cannot be 100% sure that there is not some sort of God.  Even if you go back as far as "The Big Bang", it seems that matter had to of come from somewhere.  So while I don't partake in any organized religion, I cannot discount the possibility of some sort of God, though I don't completely but into it, either.

I have quite a few friends that are Athiests, and have seen disturbing behaviour.  Some seem to think that the abolishment of religion would lead to a more peaceful world.  Let me start with the thought of "abolishment".  This is the type of rhetoric that frightens me.  This is no different then a religious person thinking the abolishment of another religion would make the world a better place.  I don't believe it's a healthy thought process.  I believe the fact is the human race will find something to fight about.  If not religion, something else will divide the people.  Government and money come to the forefront of my mind.  No, I don't think that the abolishment of any religion is the answer.  It's simply tolerance.  I have many friends that are Christian, a couple that are Muslim, and the aforementioned Athiest friends.  Give each other the respect for their beliefs.  They probably believe what they do because it comforts them.  That includes you, Athiests!  Sure, we can have fun at each other's expense...let's laugh at our differences, sure.  But nobody should attack one another for their beliefs.  

As for me, I fit into none of those categories.  I simply don't believe any of them.  I respect all of them as an entity - it's the people of the entities that I may lose respect for through their actions.  The following quote best describes me:

"You were not there for the beginning. You will not be there for the end. Your knowledge of what is going on can only be superficial and relative" 
— William S. Burroughs

But I don't totally believe it.  

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